What is The Answer to this Canoe Riddle? - how long does it take to canoe 10 miles
You can paddle your canoe 6 miles per hour in calm water. The current flows at 3 miles per hour. When you start to paddle steamers, is a fisherman his packed lunch in the water, 10 miles from you.
How long does it take, and take lunch boxes?
It would be helpful if you would like to remind u could say that because I have no idea = /
They do not correspond to the lunchbox. The fisherman will fetch him.
If u paddle over 6 mph and 3 mph current to flow downstream, then when you drove up to 6 miles, but I went 3 miles down. How can u put the speed of your ship up to 3 mph
The lunch box has fallen in the current 10 miles of you. Flowing downstream at a speed of 3 mph
Thus u is a symmetric situation in the lunch box up to 3 km / h, and u reach 3 MPH Add to. U will meet halfway. To achieve the time until the lunch box or to find just the time it takes for an object traveling at 3 km / h to travel 5 miles:
3 mph means that it takes 20 minutes to travel one mile. How to travel 5 miles, it takes 20 x 5 = 100 minutes (or 1 hours 40 minutes).
His speed on the lunch box is 6 miles per hour (the same, regardless of the water that is even now the real effects, both in the same boat and box lunch) for 10 miles @ 6 mph = 1 4 / 6 hours or 1 2 / 3 hours or 1 hours 40 minutes
2 hours?
I realized that the problem is wrong because the water is still, you're paddling in front, that is, against the current slowed. In preparing the response, you should have some kind of equation to be considered it its speed after the draw date.
That is my argument against disclosure of the error, if --
In an hour you traveled six miles upriver, the lunchbox has floated three miles downstream. Now there is only a mile between you and the field.
You can drive a mile in ten minutes, lunch box running a mile in 20 minutes, in other words, half as fast as possible. Within five minutes it takes to travel through a mile, have a quarter of a mile, there are quarter of a mile between you and the field.
Take care of a mile in two minutes and a half in which the color is one-sixteenth one miles to come, so there is a sixteenth of a mile on the left between you and the field.
They move about thirty seconds of a mile and quarterER minutes, until the field has a quarter mile sixty and seventy years ago, is one quarter mile between you and the table. I count on the last sixty mile you need to cover three quarters of the table before oncoming meeting. Make a sixty mile in a minute, and fourth, then more than 56 seconds ... Added an hour, nine minutes and 41 seconds. Except it is not because paddling against the current, the boat will be slow, but I have no way of working out how much drag to affect.
If you are fractions of time is more terrible than the old paradox of the race between Achilles and the tortoise, which did not take a packed lunch and the boat, because they are still a tiny fraction more travel .. similar. I can not fully explain the puzzle and my head is Hurtin 'a little ...
Yes, Chicken2 a point to forget the strength and everything, there is no guarantee that the fishermen do not cherche midi notbox ... and although it is not, they sink to the bottom, or somewhere, perhaps in a bank caught ... However, something a little rum to this puzzle ...
Are I do not think it's as simple as telling the same speeds, the drag is a rare thing, and yet you have to take account of fatigue.
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